Sunday, 4 September 2011

..........Understanding Characters...............(the male lead character)


1) Characters main Motive.

We are taken in a scenario where our two main lead characters are sitting in a coffee shop.At the beginning they seem to be two complete strangers who are getting to know each other.
I mainly focused on the male character.
According to me his main motive was to get himself assured that the lady sitting in front of him still remembered every minute details of the time she spend together with him when they were teenagers.

2) Character Growth.

The male character does not change during his conversation with the lady.He carefully listened to each and everything she said and even made a point to write down some of her words in his diary as he was suffering from amnesia.

3)Character Trait Chart

* Bold,brave      : Even though he was a stranger to her he was pretty bold and brave to ask her questions which were regarding her personal life.

* Curious,eager : He was very curious to know more about what she thought about him when they were young.

* Gentle,nice      : Through out their conversation he been very gentle and nice towards her.

* Careful             : There were times when he had to be really careful on what he said as the lady was getting pretty annoyed and frustrated with each question that was asked to her.

* Calm                 : Though the lady started yelling at him he yet didn't yell back at her infact he stayed put and tired to calm her down.


The clip was basically trying to show us the past of a cute naive pair.From the very beginning the girl was attracted towards the boy.Though she was older than him she didn't bother all she knew was that she truly enjoyed his presence.He didn't have many friends though.His interactions with people was rare out of the ordinary.The boy suffered from amnesia so he used his camera to capture memories when he was little...

The man was amazed on how much the lady remembered. All that he really hoped was that she would somehow remember him...

The lady realized that he was the little boy, as he took down the notes to recap his memory...
The girl is very smart as she recalls the apricots (scent /taste),when trying to remember her memories.So at the end she tries to apply the same technique (the relation of a memory to a scent /taste),with the guy who had amnesia.
That's the reason why she takes a sip of the drink and kisses him.
That way,if he tries to recall his memory of this kiss,he can associate it with the scent/taste of the drink.

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